Student debt is becoming an increasing problem in Canada. Many students in Ontario rely on the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and the National Student Loan Service Centre (NSLSC) to help them afford their post-secondary schooling. The problem – it can take years or even decades, to pay off student debt and this fact has become a very real burden for graduates and non-graduates alike
About two-thirds of students graduate with an average student loan debt of $22,. Most graduates will start an payday loan and cash advance Nebraska entry-level job that does not pay well. It can take years before a graduate sees a significant increase in their income and during this time, they carry the burden of their student loan debt and its accruing interest.
While many Canadians successfully pay off their student loan debt, many others will struggle to make even a dent in the amount they owe. For those who are struggling, it may become necessary to seek ways to manage or eliminate their student loan debt, and many will consider bankruptcy or proposals. Continue reading “Tuition fees in most provinces continue to rise at exponential rates, requiring students to take out loans”